Saturday, August 19, 2006

A better alternative for TX-22...

Okay, TX-22 isn't anywhere close to being my district, but since I keep getting ads for the one remaining mainstream candidate in my AdSense ads, I thought I would point out that rather than trying to mount a futile write-in campaign (has one ever worked?) to replace Tom DeLay, perhaps those who do not want the other guy to win (maybe if I don't mention his name the ad won't seem so relevant to Google's servers) should support the Libertarian candidate, Bob Smither.

A Second Hand Conjecture has links, comments, and generally more information.

(Hat tip: Instapundit)


Anonymous said...

I appreciate the link last weekend. We are trying at this point to put together a "netroots" lite campaign for Smither. You can go to our site, QandO or Inactivist to learn more. We are trying to create some buzz, so any attention is appreciated. I don't see any contact info. so please e-mail me and we can get you up to date if you are interested.

We have a page devoted to blog coverage of the race, we put you on it.

Anonymous said...

Right. Vote for a person whose identity-label denotes self-centeredness!